Friday, October 9, 2009

The Development of EMS Standards

The world’s first standard for environmental management systems (EMS) – BS 7750 – wasdeveloped and published by the British Standards Institution (BSI) in 1992. This standard was the model for the ISO 14000 Series developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 14001, which establishes the requirements for an EMS, was finalized in 1996. BS 7750 was also the basis for the European Union’s Eco-Management and Audit scheme, known as EMAS.
ISO is an international standard and therefore must incorporate the different interests ofmany countries. This standard clearly has the weakest requirements. By contrast, EMAS is the most stringent and detailed standard reflecting the high environmental standards of German interests and companies which played a key role developing it.
Because ISO 14001 and EMAS are both based on BS 7750, all three standards arequite similar in their approach. If your organization complies with BS 7750 today, little effort will be needed to fullfill the requirements of ISO 14001 or EMAS. Be aware however, that EMAS emphasizes public environmental reporting.
Today there are two major areas in the evaluation of environmental management practice.One area focuses on organizational issues, and the other on products, services and processes.

1. Organization Evaluation
a. Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001, 14004)
b. Environmental Performance Evaluation (ISO 14014, 14015, 14031)
c. Environmental Auditing (ISO 14010, 14011, 14012, 14013, 14014)

2. Products, Services and Processes

a. Life Cycle Assessment (ISO 14040, 14041, 14042, 14043)

b. Environmental Labeling (ISO 14020, 14021, 14022, 14023, 1402X)

c. Environmental Aspects in Product Standards (ISO 14060)

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